It's 2020, Anything Goes..

I find myself saying this at least twice a day these days and I think I’ll officially adopt it as my mantra for the rest of the year. At a time when staying in your pajamas all week is the norm, drinking wine at noon is socially acceptable, and grocery store runs require personal protective gear, at this point we are all just doing whatever we can to get through each day with most of our sanity.

I am finding the best thing I can do during this time is concentrate on gratitude. I am lucky and thankful to still be working full time at a job I love. I know this is not the case for so many and my heart goes out to those who have been truly affected. I am grateful for the assistance the government has offered and sleep a lot better knowing my employees can pay a few more bills this month. I am enormously grateful for the health of my family and can’t wait to hug them all when this is all over with. And I’m grateful to know that while every day feels like a hundred years right now, this too will pass and will one day be just a memory.

Like everyone else I suppose, my life looks a lot different these days. I have had to completely rework my routine, and just when I was really beginning to master the old routine. Isn’t that how life works though? And as a natural “fly by the seat of my pants” kinda girl, sticking with a routine in general is challenging enough. But I have accepted the challenge and am determined to make these changes work for me and not against me. There are a few things I am doing regularly and very intentionally to make sure my health, both physical and mental, are cared for during this crazy time.

  1. Stick to a healthy eating plan and drink lots and lots of water. When we eat bad, we feel bad, and none of us need any extra reason to feel bad right now. That’s not to say I don’t cheat (I had Five Guys delivered twice this week) but I am making an intentional effort to make sure I am giving my body what it needs so that I can think clearly and perform at my best.

  2. Get some things accomplished and try something new! What better time than now to, say, start a blog?? Or clean out your closet or learn an instrument or read a couple books on your 2020 reading list? Do something creative and stimulate your mind. If we use our time right, being forced to stay at home for a few weeks can actually serve us well.

  3. Facetime the ones you love. Now, more than ever, make sure you are reaching out to your loved ones. I know, I know, the world isn’t really ending. But it is a good reminder to take the time to love your people, even from a distance.

  4. Be intentionally grateful. I know a lot of people who take time each day to meditate on what they have to be grateful for, and I have to say they’re onto something. It isn’t always a natural feeling throughout the day. We often have to remind ourselves how much we truly do have to be thankful for. Focus on the good, on purpose.

Social distancing at the lake

Social distancing at the lake

I know you might be struggling figure out your “new normal.” Just know that every single other human around is struggling just the same, regardless of how easy it may look for someone else. We are all just trying to navigate these strange unchartered waters and hope the sun comes up soon.

I hope you have a beautiful week and make the most of whatever situation you are in right now!