How to Pull Yourself Out of That Slump

Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed and just couldn’t recover? I feel like it’s safe to say we all have those days. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself down and depressed and simply unable to pinpoint a reason. No matter how many things in life I have to be grateful for, sometimes I find myself in a slump. I took some time to jot down a few things I recommend for pulling yourself back up when this kind of mood creeps up on you.

1. Get your nails done OR give yourself an @home mani/pedi

Girls, you know there is just something about a fresh manicure that makes you feel like a new woman. I usually go the DIY route myself as I have such a hard time paying for this kind of thing, but a few times a year I do splurge and go see a pro. Sometimes it really is the little things like a new set of paint that can lift our spirits.

2. Turn on a 90’s boy band playlist and DANCE alone in your bedroom

I am not even joking a little bit. It’s’ actually surprising how much the nostalgia of an old Backstreet Boys song combined with the freedom you feel when you let loose like no one’s watching makes you feel. Maybe you’re more of a NKOTB girl, or even something a little more old-school. A little Motown playlist never left anyone in a bad mood. 10/10 recommend when you’re feeling grumpy.

3. Relax in a hot bubble bath

This one is obvious, but highly effective. Run a bath with your favorite scented bubble bath or essential oils, light a soothing candle, throw in a glass of wine if you please, and simply do nothing.

4. Spend some time with your favorite magazine

Hear me out. Pick up a copy of a magazine you love- for me it’s Magnolia Journal. Find a cozy spot like the rocking chair on the front porch, or the big comfy chair in the living room, or even a cozy coffee shop. And just take an hour to sip on your favorite beverage while you flip through the pages. I know the world around us is constantly screaming the opposite, but it’s okay to be totally unproductive for one hour. Sometimes it’s simply necessary.

5. Sweat

However you want to do it, get your body moving enough to increase your heart rate and work up a sweat. We all know that exercise releases endorphins into your body, which create a more positive state of mind. So find something you enjoy, whether it’s dancing, walking, jogging, biking, etc., and do it for at least 20-30 minutes to relieve some stress and decompress.

6. Go for a drive to nowhere

This one is my personal favorite. Turn on your favorite playlist, fill up the car, and just drive. No deadlines or directions, just you and the open road. I could do this all day if the music is right, and I have many times. Sometimes a good long drive can bring you back to life.

7. Practice Gratitude

It may seem kind of obvious, but the truth is gratitude isn’t always natural for us. It’s so easy to get lost in the things we think we are lacking and forget how much we really do have. Once in a while, especially when you are feeling a little low, I encourage you to take some time to meditate on the things you are most grateful for.

This could be as simple as the health of your family, a happy relationship, or a stable job that you enjoy. Or you can really dig deep into the moments in your life that have truly felt like miracles. When you were running late for work and got stuck waiting on a train, only to find that because of the train delay you probably avoided being involved in a major traffic accident. Or when you were sure you might lose a loved one, and for some reason, unexplainable by science, they pulled through when all hope seemed lost. These examples seem specific because they are true stories. And I bet if we all dug deep enough, we could find examples of our own. Sometimes we have to look beyond the obvious things to find true gratitude.

Lastly, I would like to add that if your slump lasts more than a week or two, you may want to evaluate what’s going on in your life as there is likely something deeper that needs to be addressed at the root. It could be something medical making you feel this way, or perhaps your spirit is trying to tell you there is something in your life that needs to change. And don’t be afraid to reach out to someone as sometimes we need an objective point of view to help us see things for what they are.


I hope this is helpful, and I hope you take some time to treat yourself today and do something that lifts your spirits and brings you joy!