The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer....

December is finally here and Christmas magic is in the air! Downtown is sparkling with colorful lights and candy canes. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the best things about the Holiday Season is it ignites an inspiration to Do Good. Random acts of kindness, giving and donations, Toys for Tots and Angel Trees. I think it’s safe to say that this year, more than ever, we could all be encouraged by a random act of kindness. So I put together some ideas for how we can all spread a little Holiday Cheer in our daily lives.

  • Hand out $5 gift cards at the Post Office

    I was recently a victim of the ever-long USPS line. Although we know it is always exceptionally busy this time of year, most people still seem surprised when they walk in and see the line. I was having a pretty leisure day and didn’t have anywhere to be, so it didn’t bother me that much. But I tried to empathize with the others in line and what they might be dealing with in their days. It occurred to me that the Post Office was the perfect place to spread some Christmas Cheer and lift a few spirits.

  • Stock your car with a few “goodie bags” for the homeless

    Often times I am asked for food rather than money, and when that’s the case I am always inclined to help. Having little bags of snacks on hand means I’m always prepared to help someone when they need it.

  • Pay for the guest behind you in the Starbucks line

    This one’s a classic, but the warm fuzzy feeling I get when someone randomly buys my coffee never gets old.

  • Help an elderly person load their groceries

    And take their cart back for them.

  • Buy a couple of drinks

    Next time you are dining out, keep your eye out for a couple enjoying date night. Observe what they’re drinking and anonymously add their drinks to your tab. It’s the little, unexpected things that make an impact on someone’s spirit.

  • Help Someone with their holiday purchase

    Have an extra $20 to spare? Buy a Target gift card and find someone in the store to give it to. You can make someone’s day by helping with their Christmas shopping!

No matter where you are this holiday season, keep your eyes open for ways to help others. Opportunities to Do Good are always around the corner if we look hard enough. ❤️

Market Square, Downtown Knoxville, TN

Market Square, Downtown Knoxville, TN