Live The Life You Were Meant For

I have been thinking a lot about purpose lately. Do you feel like you’re living the life you were made for? I feel like so many people just kind of float around in the world, letting life happen to them, and settling for mediocre happiness. But that has never been enough for me. I have always had a powerful desire to live a passionate and meaningful life.

I believe at some point in our lives we come to a place where we have to choose between a comfortable and average life or a risky and extraordinary one. And it’s likely the path that scares us most that holds the most reward.

I was recently introduced to Susie Moore while listening to the Whiskey & Work podcast. Susie is a life coach and columnist and I have to say, the knowledge she threw in this podcast was life-changing for me. She has such a free way of thinking and a total “why not?” attitude. A woman after my own heart! She talks a lot about how most of us are so hesitant to go after the things that are calling us for fear of “what if it doesn’t work out?” When the reality is- if we don’t go for, how will we ever know? She also says if you feel called to do something, then you have an obligation to go after it.

My whole life I have felt called to something bigger than myself. And I don’t know exactly what that looks like for me, but I feel like the plan is there if I just keep listening to that voice that tells me what the next step is. I know that sounds easier said than done, but the truth is some of us can’t hear that voice because we have silenced it with our fear. We may know in our hearts that anything is possible, but we have our minds closed off to anything that seems out of reach or uncomfortable. We are crippled by the fear of failure.

But what would happen if we just went for it? Some of the most successful people failed multiple times before they ever succeeded. Failure is inevitable and something we should get comfortable with because if we don’t open ourselves up to the possibility of failure, we will never get far enough to reach success. I love the way Susie Moore said it- “failure and success are the same road, success is just further along.” Let that sink in.

I believe if you truly feel called to something, eventually success is guaranteed. Think about it, why would you feel called to something that wasn’t meant to be for you? We get a short amount of time on this planet and I don’t want to leave it without doing everything that is meant for me. It actually makes me sad to think about all the time we spend living a life that is less than the life we were meant for.

So what would you do if you stopped letting your fear hold you back? If you refused to keep doubting yourself or asking “what if?” Make a move! Don’t overthink it. Despite popular belief, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Anything is better than nothing, and over time you’ll get better.

Whatever that thing is for you, I hope you find the courage to go for it. Remember, if it’s meant for you, then it’s already yours!
